Cosmetic Dentistry


Dental veneers are custom-designed shells of tooth-like ceramic material that, when applied over the surface of a tooth, can cover worn tooth enamel, uneven tooth alignment or spacing, and chips or cracks.

Dental veneers fall into the category of cosmetic dentistry because they create a bright, white smile with beautifully aligned, shapely teeth. Even better, the translucent ceramic quality of today’s veneers provides a more natural look compared to what has been available in the past.

Dental veneers may solve most or even all of your cosmetic dental issues, including:

Worn enamel
Wear and tear
Abnormal spacing
Uneven teeth

Veneers are custom-made by a dental laboratory to ensure they complement the shape and colour of your surrounding teeth and overall smile. They are made out of high quality, durable porcelain and, if properly cared for, will last a long time.

Generally the procedure will take 2 visits. The first involves preparation of the teeth, including re-shaping of the surface of the natural teeth to allow for the thickness of the veneer. An impression of the teeth is then taken for the lab and the shade is agreed upon by you and the dentist. Temporary restorations are provided for you at this stage.

On the second visit, bonding cement is applied and the veneer(s) are placed comfortably into the mouth. A special light is used to harden and set the bond. We will make every effort to ensure the new veneers feel just like your natural teeth and you now have a beautiful restored smile.