

Dental implants are artificial tooth replacements that provide a simple solution with proven results for tooth loss. No other restorative option is as functionally effective and durable. Dental implants replace missing tooth roots, helping to preserve the bone in the jaw and the original shape of the face.

Composite Fillings

Composite fillings are a tooth-coloured mixture used to fill and repair cracks, decay, fractures etc. They may also be used for cosmetic improvements to change the colour or shape of the teeth. Because composite fillings are tooth-coloured they are more aesthetically pleasing than other types of materials such as silver amalgam.

Composite fillings are very durable and, if the teeth are properly cared for, will last many years.

Inlays / Onlays (partial crowns)

Inlays and onlays are restorations that can be utilized when there remains a healthy enamel portion of the tooth. Inlays are used when there is no damage to the cusps of the tooth and it is placed within these cusps. It is wider than a regular filling. An onlay is used when there is more extensive damage to the area and the restoration is placed over at least one of the cusps.

Inlays and onlays are custom-made and generally require 2 visits. The dentist will remove any decay, prepare the tooth and take an impression that will be sent to a professional laboratory for fabrication. You will be given a temporary restoration that will look and function naturally while the permanent one is being made. When completed the permanent restoration will be inserted and a proper fit will be ensured before it is cemented leaving you with the most natural and beautifully restored smile. Inlays and onlays are very durable and, if the teeth are properly cared for, will last many years.


Inlays are used for the same reasons as composite fillings and are the recommended treatment if the filling size is very large.

Inlays can be are made with composite, porcelain or gold. Together we can determine which option best suits your needs. An inlay is an ideal alternative to a filling as the materials used are stronger and more durable therefore lasting longer.


An onlay is sometimes referred to as a partial crown. It is an ideal alternative to a crown because it is more conservative as less natural tooth structure has to be removed in the preparation process. In many cases the CEREC one-appointment crown is a great alternative and can save you time.


Crowns (or caps) are onlays that completely cover all surfaces of the tooth. They look and function just like natural teeth while protecting what remains of the natural tooth structure. A crown is recommended if the tooth has enough decay that it cannot hold a filling/inlay or if the tooth is cracked or broken and in danger of damaging the root if left unattended. They may also be recommended for cosmetic enhancements.

Crowns can be made from:

  • Porcelain;
  • Porcelain fused to metal or gold; or
  • Gold.

Together we can determine what material option best suits your needs. Porcelain crowns are generally the preferred option as they most resemble your natural teeth. The crown will be made to match the shape, size and colour of your other teeth.

Crowns are custom-made and generally require 2 visits. The dentist will remove any decay, prepare the tooth and take an impression that will be sent to a professional laboratory for fabrication. You will be given a temporary restoration that will look and function naturally while the permanent one is being made. When completed the permanent restoration will be inserted and a proper fit will be ensured before it is cemented leaving you with the most natural and beautifully restored smile.

In many cases the CEREC one-appointment crown is a great option and can save you time.

Crowns are very durable and, if the teeth are properly cared for, will last many years.

CEREC One-Appointment Crowns and Onlays

CEREC by Sirona Dental Systems is the world’s first system for the fabrication of all ceramic dental restorations in one office visit. You can be in and out in a single visit with a permanent, all ceramic crown or inlay. This means fewer injections, less drilling, and less time out of your busy schedule for dental care.

With CEREC, we can use strong, tooth coloured ceramic materials to restore your teeth to their natural strength, beauty, and function. These materials closely match the composition of natural tooth structure. This means when you eat hot food and then drink something cold, the restoration and tooth expand and contract at almost equal rates, so your tooth does not crack. Also, the materials are chemically bonded to your tooth, so we can save as much healthy tooth tissue as possible while providing you with a dental restoration that strengthens your tooth.


A bridge is a fixed (non-removable) appliance that is used replace a missing tooth by joining to adjacent teeth. It is important to address tooth loss as it can affect the way someone speaks, eats, jaw function and the alignment of the remaining teeth. The most popular or traditional type of bridge uses porcelain fused to metal or ceramics and consists of two crowns that fit over the anchoring adjacent teeth with an artificial tooth (or teeth) attached in the centre.

Bridges usually require at least 2 or more visits. In the initial visit, the adjacent teeth will be prepared by removing enamel to allow the crown to fit comfortably. An impression of the area is then taken and sent to a lab for custom design of your restoration. In the meantime you will receive a temporary restoration that will allow you normal bite and function while looking natural. On your second visit your final restoration will be placed and proper fit and function will be ensured.

Root Canals

Root canal therapy is needed when the nerve of a tooth is affected by decay or infection. In order to save the tooth, the pulp (the living tissue inside the tooth), nerves, bacteria, and any decay are removed and the resulting space is filled with special, medicated, dental materials, which restore the tooth to its full function. This allows us to keep the tooth structure as opposed to removing the tooth entirely.

Partial Dentures

There are two types of dentures – complete and partial dentures. Complete dentures are used when all of the teeth are missing, while partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain. A Partial denture not only fills in the spaces created by missing teeth, it prevents other teeth from shifting.

Partial dentures usually consist of replacement teeth attached to pink or gum-colored plastic bases, which are connected by metal framework. The dentures are removable and attach to your natural teeth with metal clasps or precision attachments. Crowns on your natural teeth may improve the fit of a removable partial denture and they are usually required with attachments.

Dentures are very durable appliances and will last many years, but may have to be remade, repaired, or readjusted due to normal wear and bone atrophy.

If you require a full denture we will be happy to refer you to a trusted denturist.